Archives 2012 February

Report: Phoenix Coyotes sale nearly complete to Greg Jamison; NHL team to stay in Glendale | Puck Daddy – Yahoo! Sports

Report: Phoenix Coyotes sale nearly complete to Greg Jamison; NHL team to stay in Glendale | Puck Daddy – Yahoo! Sports

Just what the folks in Seattle, Kansas City and Quebec City didn’t want to hear… Hey, there’s always the Islanders. Report: Phoenix Coyotes sale nearly complete to Greg Jamison; NHL team to stay in Glendale | Puck Daddy – Yahoo! Sports ».

NHL Realignment Project – Week 39

NHL Realignment Project – Week 39

Simply Seattle On time this week! As much as a lot of us would like to see the NHL contract to 28 teams, the reality is it’d take a massive collapse in league-wide revenues for that to happen… not to mention that Heavy G and the Boyz™ (Gary Bettman and the Board of Governors) will …

Woot® : One Day, One Deal™

Woot® : One Day, One Deal™

Woot’s shirt today appeals to both of my nerdy sides… science and Star Wars. Woot® : One Day, One Deal™ »

NHL Realignment Project – Week 38

NHL Realignment Project – Week 38

Something Old, Something New(s) My insomnia has served me well this evening. In addition to finally having a moment to finish up this week’s (very late) entry, I’ve gotten wind of the interesting news that sometime on Thursday, a plan for an NBA/NHL arena to be built in Seattle will be revealed. Check the Seattle …

Red Wings shoot for NHL home record vs. Flyers –

Dear, my teams, I’d be ecstatic with a home winning streak half this long… okay, a quarter. Sincerely, Tom Red Wings shoot for NHL home record vs. Flyers –

NHL Realignment Project – Week 37

NHL Realignment Project – Week 37

  West, west, west, west, east This week we’re adding four new teams to the map west of the Gretzky-Orr line (two via expansion and two via relocation). Just to make sure the eastern side of the map doesn’t feel completely neglected we’ve allowed another relocation to stay within the Orr Conference. The Pacific Northwest …

Random Hockey Book of the Week – Wk10

Random Hockey Book of the Week – Wk10

Week 10: The Code: The Unwritten Rules of Fighting and Retaliation in the NHL After many weeks in the dark, this feature is back! The Random Hockey Book of the “Week” returns in all it’s splendor with a book that will make Brendan Shanahan rollover in his plush office chair in the League offices. Read …