Archives 2011 September

NHL Realignment Project – Week 18

NHL Realignment Project – Week 18

Champions League Plus Expanding on the idea that started two week ago, this week we’re expanding by six teams (à la 1967). The six teams we’ve allowed into our “Champions League” are the teams that have be able to make it to the Stanley Cup Finals, but haven’t won. They’ve earned their stripes, and now …

NHL Realignment Project – Week 17

NHL Realignment Project – Week 17

Champions League (Version 2) As some of you geniuses may have figured out by the title of last week’s post, we are doing a variation this week instead of a full-on new idea. Things are super-busy at work right now, and this is the way we’re gonna go. Gotta pay the bills… what can you …

NHL Realignment Project – Week 16

NHL Realignment Project – Week 16

Champions League (Version 1) Just like, last week, we’re gonna go into contraction mode again. But we’re pushing it much further this time. In this, the sixteenth week of the NHL Realignment Project, we’re going to contract the NHL to only the current teams that have already won the Stanley Cup (yes, I know the NHL …

NHL Realignment Project – Week 15

NHL Realignment Project – Week 15

Triple Threat Okay, last week we took things to the limit by having 44(!) teams, so this week we pull back. The number of the week is THREE. We’re scuttling the THREE teams that get the most chatter on the internets about being in trouble… The Islanders, The Coyotes and The Blue Jackets. The thing with this …