Archives 2012 October

NHL will withdraw proposal once deadline passes – ESPN

NHL will withdraw proposal once deadline passes – ESPN

Oh foor, fook’s sake, eh! Hope none of you have been holding your breath. My favorite part: “Daly was also quick to stress that he wasn’t threatening the players in any way,” Technically, he was just completing the threat they made earlier… not making a new one. Not sure that makes the players feel any …

NHL expansion to Toronto, Quebec City after CBA is settled? Well, of course | Puck Daddy – Yahoo! Sports

NHL expansion to Toronto, Quebec City after CBA is settled? Well, of course | Puck Daddy – Yahoo! Sports

Thar’s money in them thar hills provinces. As bleak as things seem in some of the sunbelt hockey towns, up in Canada (where lots of wonderful things are created (like me)) there is a windfall of cash ready to be had. Where else would folks be willing to pay some of the exorbitant expansion fee …

Report: Islanders to announce move to Brooklyn in 2015 – – News

Some non-lockout news… Hooray? Jay-Z has some pull! Looks like a component of  one of our scenarios is actually coming true. Kind of a small stadium for the NHL, but the corporate money and the notoriety will more than make up for it.   Via Report: Islanders to announce move to Brooklyn in 2015 …

I Can See Iran From My Car Elevators

I Can See Iran From My Car Elevators

Mitt Romney’s view of the Middle East is indeed different than Obama’s

NHL Realignment Project – Week 47

The Benefits: • Focus — With more divisions, the main focus of an NHL team’s season is to win its division to guarantee it’s spot in the playoffs. Beat the other two teams in your division and your in. If you don’t, you still have three wildcard slots to shoot for, so its not an “all …

Bettman, NHL make new offer in hope of full season – Yahoo! Sports

So you’re telling me there’s a chance. Bettman, NHL make new offer in hope of full season – Yahoo! Sports »