Kansas City

After Sunrise

After Sunrise

The Florida Panthers have always been the easy whipping-boy for the “hockey doesn’t belong in non-traditional markets” crowd. They are also always the first picked on by the “NHL realignment is easy, just do this….” crowd. The reality is, they have one of the cushiest arena leases out there (and for 14 more years). So …

After Sunrise

After Sunrise

The Florida Panthers have always been the easy whipping-boy for the “hockey doesn’t belong in non-traditional markets” crowd. They are also always the first picked on by the “NHL realignment is easy, just do this….” crowd. The reality is, they have one of the cushiest arena leases out there (and for 14 more years). So …

NHL Realignment Project – Week 26


NHL Realignment Project – Week 3

NHL Realignment Project – Week 3

Week 3 – Damn, that’s Cold Okay, I’m going a bit radical this week. This one is for all those anti-southern city folks. NOTE: I am not one of the anti-southern city peeps. I live in Texas, after all. So basically, with this plan, we’ve decided that the NHL hockey is a purely niche sport …

NHL Realignment Project – Week 1

NHL Realignment Project – Week 1

Week 1 – Moving and Shaking (and Expanding) What timing… the day I launch my first of 52 (or more) weekly NHL realignment options, the NHL made it official (pending BOG approval), the sale and move of the Thrashers franchise to Winnipeg, so no need to include Winnipeg/Atlanta in my potential gained/lost descriptions. Serendipity, baby. …