Archives 2013 January

Rivalry Color Swap

Rivalry Color Swap

NHL fans absolutely LOVE their teams. And we absolutely loathe our rivals. If you have any doubts to the revulsion you feel to your rivals, check out what simply swapping the colors of two rivals does to your gut*. * is not responsible for any vomiting induced herewith. More disgustingness after the jump…

Should the City of Seattle Get an NHL Team? | NHL |

Should the City of Seattle Get an NHL Team? | NHL |

Missed this one a few days ago… a few insights on Seattle sports successes (for the most part). Should the City of Seattle Get an NHL Team? | NHL | »

What the 2013-14 NHL Should Look Like

What the 2013-14 NHL Should Look Like

It’s pretty safe to assume that the NHL isn’t going to expand or contract any time soon. And it’s just as safe to assume that realignment will happen for the 2013-14 season without any relocations. With that in mind, I’ve put together this recommendation to the powers that be for what a sensible, rivalry-filled and …