Archives 2011 May

NHL Realignment Project – Week 1

NHL Realignment Project – Week 1

Week 1 – Moving and Shaking (and Expanding) What timing… the day I launch my first of 52 (or more) weekly NHL realignment options, the NHL made it official (pending BOG approval), the sale and move of the Thrashers franchise to Winnipeg, so no need to include Winnipeg/Atlanta in my potential gained/lost descriptions. Serendipity, baby. …

Third Depression Watch –

When Paul Krugman is worried, I get worried. Ru-roh, Raggy!   “We are now, I fear, in the early stages of a third depression. It will probably look more like the Long Depression than the much more severe Great Depression.” Link to full article: Third Depression Watch –

NHL Realignment Project – If I Were King of North America

NHL Realignment Project – If I Were King of North America

Because I’m such a huge dork, I have decided that I’m gonna put up an NHL relocation/realignment plan up on my blog every week from now until the end of the off-season. Some will have contraction, some will have expansion, most will have relocations, and all will have realignment. Sound fun? It does to me. …