NHL Expansion

NHL Realignment Project – Week 23

NHL Realignment Project – Week 21

NHL Realignment Project – Week 21

Pod Casting – There’s No Place Like Home (and Away) This week we go to pods for the NHL Realignment Project. The addition of the Seattle Shamrocks and the Quebec Nordiques gets our league’s team count up to (our favorite very divisible number,) 32. In an effort to not only divide the teams up the …

NHL Realignment Project – Week 14

NHL Realignment Project – Week 14

The Mother Lode! Okay, last week was a little out of control with 37 teams… so this week I’ve decided to UP IT EVEN MORE! I’ve taken Week 13’s concept of every city that ever lost a team got one back and have piled on seven more cities I’ve deemed “deserving”. The reason I went …

NHL Realignment Project – Week 13

NHL Realignment Project – Week 13

Week 13 – There and Back Again Who says you can’t make all the people happy all the time. In this week’s edition of the NHL Realignment Project, every city that ever lost a team (and currently doesn’t have one), get’s one back. This generosity yields a 37-team league. This number (and the geographic groupings) …