
Worst Congress of My Lifetime

Worst Congress of My Lifetime

Call me crazy, but basically saying that quarter of each president’s elected term is “off limits” for him to nominate Supreme Court Justices is a massive overreach by the Legislative Branch. If that is how they feel, pass a law that says that (oops, it’ll be struck down as unconstitutional).

I Can See Iran From My Car Elevators

I Can See Iran From My Car Elevators

Mitt Romney’s view of the Middle East is indeed different than Obama’s

I am the 99

I am the 99

Too obvious to not take advantage. Gotta love the Wayne. I am the 99

The Debt Ceiling Debate, Illustrated

D…………………………..R …D………………………..R ……D……………………..R ……….D………………….R ……………..D……………R …………………….D…….R ………………………FU….R They’ve F’d us all. Thanks! — TF

Tom Fulery – Uselessness at its finest.

Tom Fulery – Uselessness at its finest.

…unlike the blowhard douches pretending to be journalists on the mouthpieces of the far left and the far right. Kudos, sir.   via Time:     Obama’s Libya War Challenge: Limit U.S. Military Mission – TIME ».

Overly Optimistic Title Aside…

Overly Optimistic Title Aside…

I was at least a little bit heartened by this article. As an aside, I’m all for congressional term limits to help with the people there worrying about doing the people’s business instead of worrying about getting reelected. Just sayin’. —TF   Via CNN: ‘Gang of Six’ may solve U.S. debt mess – CNN.com.